Java Program to Find Surface Area and Volume of Cylinder

Here is a java program to calculate the volume and surface area of cylinder. In this Java program, We have to find the volume and total surface of a cylinder, given the height and base radius of cylinder.

Volume of Cylinder
The volume of a right circular cylinder is defined as the amount of three dimensional space occupied by the cylinder or the storage capacity of a cylinder. To calculate the volume of a cylinder, we need radius of base height of cylinder.
Volume of right circular cylinder = Base area x Height
As base of cylinder is circular, Base Area = ΠR2
Total Surface Area of Cylinder
Surface area of cylinder is the number of square units that will exactly cover the outer surface of a cone. There are three surfaces in a cylinder, one curved and two circular bases. Total surface area of cylinder is the sum of the area of both circular bases and area of curved surface.
  • Base area of cylinder = ΠR2
  • Curved surface area of cone = 2ΠRH
Total surface area of cone = 2XBase area + Curved area
= 2ΠR2 + 2ΠRH
= 2ΠR(R + H)
NOTE : Π = 3.141

Java program to find the volume and surface area of cylinder

In this java program, we first take base radius and height of cylinder as input from user and then calculate volume and surface area using above mentioned mathematical formulae.


import java.util.Scanner;

public class VolumeOfCylinder {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        double radius, height, volume, surfaceArea;
        Scanner scanner;
        scanner = new Scanner(;
        // Take input from user
        System.out.println("Enter Base Radius of Cylinder");
        radius = scanner.nextDouble();

        System.out.println("Enter Height of Cylinder");
        height = scanner.nextDouble();

        surfaceArea = 2 * Math.PI * radius * (radius + height);

        volume = Math.PI * radius * radius * height;

        System.out.format("Surface Area of Cylinder = %.3f\n", surfaceArea);
        System.out.format("Volume of Cylinder = %.3f\n", volume);
Enter Base Radius of Cylinder
Enter Height of Cylinder
Surface Area of Cylinder = 226.195
Volume of Cylinder = 251.327

Java program to find the volume and total surface area of cylinder using function

This java program is similar to above program except here we are using two user defined functions "getAreaOfCylinder" and "gerVolumeOfCylinder" functions to calculate total surface area and volume of cylinder respectively.


import java.util.Scanner;

public class VolumeOfCylinderFunction {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        double radius, height;
        Scanner scanner;
        scanner = new Scanner(;
        // Take input from user
        System.out.println("Enter Base Radius of Cylinder");
        radius = scanner.nextDouble();

        System.out.println("Enter Height of Cylinder");
        height = scanner.nextDouble();

        System.out.format("Surface Area of Cylinder = %.3f\n", 
            getAreaOfCylinder(radius, height));
        System.out.format("Volume of Cylinder = %.3f\n", 
            gerVolumeOfCylinder(radius, height));

    public static double getAreaOfCylinder(double radius, double height) {
        return 2 * Math.PI * radius * (radius + height);

    public static double gerVolumeOfCylinder(double radius, double height) {
        /* Volume of Cylinder = PI X Radius X Radius X Height */
        return Math.PI * radius * radius * height;
Enter Base Radius of Cylinder
Enter Height of Cylinder
Surface Area of Cylinder = 376.991
Volume of Cylinder = 549.779

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