C Program to Print Diamond Star Pattern

Here is a C program to print diamond star pattern using for loop. Diamond star pattern program's output should be:

C program diamond star pattern

Required Knowledge

Algorithm to print diamond star pattern using loop
Diamond star pattern is a combination of pyramid star pattern and inverse pyramid star pattern. This program is combination of both, it first prints a pyramid followed by a reverse pyramid star pattern.

C program to print diamond star pattern


int main() {
    int i, space, rows=7, star=0;
    /* Printing upper triangle */
    for(i = 1; i <= rows; i++) {
        /* Printing spaces */
        for(space = 1; space <= rows-i; space++) {
           printf(" ");
        /* Printing stars */
        while(star != (2*i - 1)) {
        /* move to next row */
    /* Printing lower triangle */
    for(i = rows;i >= 1; i--) {
        /* Printing spaces */
        for(space = 0; space <= rows-i; space++) {
           printf(" ");
        /* Printing stars */
        star = 0;
        while(star != (2*i - 1)) {

    return 0;

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