C Program to Find Third Angle of a Triangle

Here is a C program find third angle of triangle, given other two angles of triangle. We will first take two angles of a triangle as input from user using scanf function. To find the third angle of triangle we will use below mentioned angle sum property of a triangle.

Required Knowledge

Sum of all internal angles of a triangle is 180 degrees.
  • A + B + C = 180
Where A, B and C are the three internal angles of a triangle.

C program to find third angle of a triangle

#include <stdio.h>  
#define ANGLE_SUM 180

int main() {
    float a1, a2, a3;  
    printf("Enter Two Angles of a Triangle\n");  
    scanf("%f %f", &a1, &a2);  
    a3 = ANGLE_SUM - (a1 + a2);  
    printf("Third Angle = %0.4f", a3);  
    return 0;  
Enter Two Angles of a Triangle
30 60
Third Angle = 90.0000

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