C Program to Enter Cost Price and Selling Price and Find Profit or Loss

In this C program, we will learn to calculate Profit or Loss from given cost price and selling price.

  • If Selling Price > Cost Price
    Profit = Selling Price - Cost Price
  • If Selling Price < Cost Price
    Loss = Cost Price - Selling Price
  • If Selling Price = Cost Price
    No Profit .. No Loss

Required Knowledge

C program to find profit and loss, given cost price and selling price

#include <stdio.h>  
int main() {  
    int costPrice, sellingPrice; 
    printf("Enter Cost Price and Selling Price\n");  
    scanf("%d %d", &costPrice, &sellingPrice);
    if(costPrice > sellingPrice) {
        /* Loss */    
        printf("Loss = %d\n",costPrice - sellingPrice);  
    } else if(sellingPrice > costPrice) {  
        /* Profit or Gain*/  
        printf("Profit = %d\n", sellingPrice - costPrice);  
    } else {
        /* No Profit or Loss*/
        printf("No Profit and No Loss\n");  
    return 0;  

Enter Cost Price and Selling Price
5 10
Profit = 5
Enter Cost Price and Selling Price
12 8
Loss = 4
Enter Cost Price and Selling Price
10 10
No Profit and No Loss

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