C Program for Moving Car Animation Using C Graphics

Here is a C graphics program for moving car animation using graphics.h header file. In this program, we will first draw a car and color it. In every iteration of for loop we keep on increasing the x coordinates of every point of car to make it look like this car is moving from left to right.
Graphics programming in C can be both fun and educational. In this tutorial, we'll explore how to develop a simple moving car animation using Turbo C graphics. Turbo C graphics functions provide a way to draw and manipulate graphics on the screen, and with some creativity, we can bring our animations to life.
We will use below mentioned graphics functions in this program.

Function Description
initgraph It initializes the graphics system by loading the passed graphics driver then changing the system into graphics mode.
getmaxx It returns the maximum X coordinate in current graphics mode and driver.
getmaxy It returns the maximum X coordinate in current graphics mode and driver.
setcolor It changes the current drawing colour. Default colour is white. Each color is assigned a number, like BLACK is 0 and RED is 4. Here we are using colour constants defined inside graphics.h header file.
setfillstyle It sets the current fill pattern and fill color.
circle It draws a circle with radius r and centre at (x, y).
line It draws a straight line between two points on screen.
arc It draws a circular arc from start angle till end angle.
floodfill It is used to fill a closed area with current fill pattern and fill color. It takes any point inside closed area and color of the boundary as input.
cleardevice It clears the screen, and sets current position to (0, 0).
delay It is used to suspend execution of a program for a M milliseconds.
closegraph It unloads the graphics drivers and sets the screen back to text mode.

Setting Up Turbo C Environment

Before we dive into the animation, make sure you have Turbo C installed and configured. Turbo C was popular in the MS-DOS era, so consider using an emulator or an environment that supports DOS applications.

Understanding Turbo C Graphics Basics

Turbo C graphics functions provide a set of tools for drawing shapes, lines, and colors on the screen. The graphics.h header file and functions like initgraph(), line(), circle(), and getch() are essential for our animation.

Turbo C provides functions for drawing lines, circles, rectangles, and other shapes. Here's an example:

#include <graphics.h>
#include <conio.h>

int main() {
    int gd = DETECT, gm;
    initgraph(&gd, &gm, "C:\\Turboc3\\BGI");

    // Draw a line
    line(100, 100, 200, 200);

    // Draw a rectangle
    rectangle(250, 150, 350, 250);

    // Draw a circle
    circle(500, 200, 50);

    return 0;

C program for moving car graphics animation

In this program, we first draw a red color car on left side of the screen (x,y) and then erases it using cleardevice function. We again draw this car at(x + 5, y). This will look like a moving car from left to right direction. We will repeat above steps until car reaches the right side of screen.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <graphics.h>
#include <dos.h>

int main() {
    int gd = DETECT, gm;
    int i, maxx, midy;

    /* initialize graphic mode */
    initgraph(&gd, &gm, "X:\\TC\\BGI");
    /* maximum pixel in horizontal axis */
    maxx = getmaxx();
    /* mid pixel in vertical axis */
    midy = getmaxy()/2;

    for (i=0; i < maxx-150; i=i+5) {
        /* clears screen */

        /* draw a white road */
        line(0, midy + 37, maxx, midy + 37);

        /* Draw Car */
        setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, RED);

        line(i, midy + 23, i, midy);
        line(i, midy, 40 + i, midy - 20);
        line(40 + i, midy - 20, 80 + i, midy - 20);
        line(80 + i, midy - 20, 100 + i, midy);
        line(100 + i, midy, 120 + i, midy);
        line(120 + i, midy, 120 + i, midy + 23);
        line(0 + i, midy + 23, 18 + i, midy + 23);
        arc(30 + i, midy + 23, 0, 180, 12);
        line(42 + i, midy + 23, 78 + i, midy + 23);
        arc(90 + i, midy + 23, 0, 180, 12);
        line(102 + i, midy + 23, 120 + i, midy + 23);
        line(28 + i, midy, 43 + i, midy - 15);
        line(43 + i, midy - 15, 57 + i, midy - 15);
        line(57 + i, midy - 15, 57 + i, midy);
        line(57 + i, midy, 28 + i, midy);
        line(62 + i, midy - 15, 77 + i, midy - 15);
        line(77 + i, midy - 15, 92 + i, midy);
        line(92 + i, midy, 62 + i, midy);
        line(62 + i, midy, 62 + i, midy - 15);
        floodfill(5 + i, midy + 22, YELLOW);
        setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, DARKGRAY);
        /*  Draw Wheels */
        circle(30 + i, midy + 25, 9);
        circle(90 + i, midy + 25, 9);
        floodfill(30 + i, midy + 25, BLUE);
        floodfill(90 + i, midy + 25, BLUE);
        /* Add delay of 0.1 milli seconds */

    return 0;
Output Here is the screenshot of moving car. C graphics program for moving car animation


Congratulations! You've successfully created a simple moving car animation using Turbo C graphics. This tutorial covers the basics, but graphics programming offers endless possibilities for creativity. Experiment with different shapes, colors, and movements to enhance your animation further. Happy coding!

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